Welcome STXBP1 Italia

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We are delighted that the STXBP1 Foundation has a new sister organization, STXBP1 Italia.

Lorenzo Frassine and Roberto Padello from two of the founding families share this information on STXBP1 Italia’s mission and goals:

Hello everyone we are setting up an association in Italy with the aim of promoting autonomy and improving the quality of life of subjects affected by alterations of the STXBP1 gene. We want to achieve this goal in three macro-areas:

1. Support research
2. Disclosure of information
3. Support families

We have a lot of ideas and are really motivated to create a better world for our children.

Please visit STXBP1 Italia’s new website for more information.


Love is Being an STXBP1 Grandparent


STXBP1 Foundation is Part of COMBINEDBrain To Speed Clinical Trial Readiness