STXBP1 STateXperts

The STXBP1 Foundation is thrilled to be rolling out STateXperts - STX / State Experts - as part of the STXBP1 Community Connect program. This valuable resource is starting as an endeavor in the US and is intended to help with connections, support resources, and education for STXBP1-related disorder patients, parents, and caregivers at the local, state, and regional levels. It is run by STX parents who live where you do and have learned about the programs, resources, and services within your state. Our STateXperts have gained some really helpful insights and are eager to share their expertise with you. As their lists are not exhaustive, we ask that you help us make any of the lists better by sharing additional resources that you know of with your local expert. Together we’ll build and grow our community expertise.

The STXBP1 Disorders STateXperts program already has coverage in 23 states. You can find your STateXpert in the list under the map below.

To connect with your STateXpert, please fill out the short form at the bottom of this page.

Get in Touch with a STateXpert!

Ready to connect with a fellow STXBP1 parent or caregiver in your area for help with local resources?

Just fill in this short form and we’ll be in touch soon …

Our STateXperts are located all over the US and are ready to connect with you.