Here is what you need to know in 2023 from Beyond the Ion Channel STXBP1

Julie Xian points us at the Beyond the ion Channel STXBP1 for the outlook on STXBP1 disorders in 2023. The full post is published on the The International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) Genetics Commission Blog.

STXBP1. Today is the first day of the 1st European STXBP1 Summit and Research Roundtable, held from May 16-18th in Milan, Italy. This meeting is bringing together voices from academia, industry, organizations, and family foundations to discuss the current state of research – spanning from preclinical efforts investigating mechanisms of disease to moving towards the clinic and the future therapeutic landscape. In 2023, it feels like an understatement to say that STXBP1 is on the map. In spirit of the ongoing momentum in the field, we wanted to refresh the gene page and outline three emerging frameworks to think about STXBP1.


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